Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Since the guys who brought us the A-PLUS MUSCLE PARTY started a new party on Sunday -- renamed THE OMEGA PARTY (omegaparties@hotmail.com) -- for average guys -- not muscle dudes -- (the next one is tomorrow), I asked a friend to write a guest review for AGS Blog. Here's what he had to say...

"I was there from 730-930. Did nothing. Not even one hottie. A couple of older built guys but they had no standards and let anyone on them.

Total Open door policy ....tons of old fat guys (50%) one dude 60 in a dog collar. Another was 6'4" 300lbs. B.o., barebacking everywhere. Many were wearing tshirts over potbellies. Totally gross.

There may have been 88 people over the whole six hours. Never got over 30-40 at any one time. No email check at door. No shirtlifting at the door or and bodychecking. Any senior citizen or chub that could mumble "Robert" was granted entry.

Not A-plus. Not even C-minus."

Another shitty party for out-of-shape guys. And I heard that the NYJP only had 10 guys show up this week. I guess they shouldn't have moved to Brooklyn. Basically the only two hot general M4M parties are The Hot Jock Party, and New York By Night. Am I missing any???

The Host of THE OMEGA PARTY asked me to post this rebuttal...

I dont think his review is true
becuase this wed for example
we got 73 guys
and only two of the guys who went were fat
and they werent obese,they just had some belly and they were in their 40ties.
the rest were average guys to slim guys
most were in their 30ties and 40ties and a few were hot guys.
He made it sound as if all tall were old and obese
which is far from the truth.
We get 80% average to slim 30ties and 40ties
and a 15% chubby and and quite a few over 50
80% of are mailing is average to slim and ages 50 to 20
we get old and chubby guys but is ilke 5 % to 10% of the party
I think you should go to the party and give it a fair review



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