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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Omega Party's faulty email; New Contact Info...

Hey guys -- if you've had trouble reaching THE OMEGA PARTY people this week, they've had trouble with their hotmail account. Until furter notice hit them up at to get into the parties, including SUNDAY's...

THE OMEGA PARTY (Times Square). The host (used to run the aplumuscle Party) says that they get 70 to 120 guys per party (Sunday being the biggest night). The parties are laid back, mix/general crowd. The age mix ranges from 20 to 60YO, all races (60% white, 40% mixed), muscle, thin, cute, bear etc. They host 2 to 3 parties per week. Refreshments , snacks, condoms and lube provided. "You may keep your underwear and T-shirt on if you like" but no heavy clothing inside. Time: 6PM TO 4AM, DOORS 6PM TO 12 am; Donation: $25; early bird special $20 (6pm to 8 pm). coat check $1. The new location in the W40s is great: fully equipped with shower, porn room, sauna and with air conditioner. An older mixed crowd/for average guys. Anybody wanting to go to the party should email

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